Christmas is a solar god, of Indo-European origin, specific to the territories inhabited by the Geto-Dacians, identified with the Roman god Saturn and the Iranian god Mithra. For over a millennium, Christians celebrated New Year’s Day on Christmas Day.

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Sorcova in a Romanian popular custom, practiced on January 1. This custoù is very old and is spread throughout the country, being practiced mainly by children. Sorcova is also used to describe the object that characterizes this custom. It consists of a stick decorated with artificial flowers of diffrent colors, wherewith children slightly hit on back their parents or acquaintances in the mornong of New Year, wishing them, in special verses, health and luck. When they begin to say the verses, sorcova is inclined in the direction of the person to whom they address all wishes, sorcova playing the role of a magic wand, endowed with the ability to transmit health, youth and fertility to the vised one ; verses are very suggestive in this regard. The text of sorcova, reminiscent of a spell, merely reinforces the movement of sorcova. (from Wikipedia)

« In the countryside, the caroling tradition comes in different forms. There is the simple caroling, which involves only people singing, and there are special carols, which include dancing and more complex performances. The latter are usually to be found in villages, but you might see some street performances in cities as well.

In the countryside, the caroling traditioncomes in different forms. There is the simple caroling, which involves only people singing, and there are special carols, which include dancing and more complex performances. The latter are usually to be found in villages, but you might see some street performances in cities as well.

In our play The sacred twilight is adorned with hope and joy. Tiny mechanisms cheerfully play a little music in the night.

In Romania, on Christmas and New Year’s Eve, children and young men go from house to house singings carols. In some regions, they dance with folk masks on their faces and recite speeches. For their effort, they receive fruit and home-made cakes. The best known carols are The Star (Steaua), Plugusorul(Plugușor literally means « little plough » in Romanian, Sorcova and Capra. Plugușorul is a type of carol rooted in the old agricultural heritage of Romania and meant to bring prosperity and wealth.


Celebration of the Bright Fest – children sing Traditional Carols

Children visit their relatives and neighbors chanting prosperity verses and throwing rice and wheat seeds on their floors. Examples of colinde with religious subject are « Astăzi s-a născut Hristos » (Today Christ was born), « Moș Crăciun cu plete dalbe » (Santa Claus with white tress) and « O ce veste minunată » (O, what wonderful news!).

In our  play there is a moment when the villagers meditate, they ring the bells and rejoice on the forecourt.

And after that, An unusual taraf (a small folk music ensemble) arrives from the mountains. From the first days of January the villagers criss-cross the village in sleighs, wishing the neighbors a happy new year and brightening up with mulled wine.

Our Taraf  was composed by  oboe clarinet  tuba instruments.

Carols of Romanian composers: A. Pann, T. Popovici, I.D. Chirescu, G. Budiş, E. Monţia, G. Cucu, T. Bradiceanu, N. Lungu, D.G. Kiriac. Music was sang by children, or arranged for harps ensemble.