turnul vlad tepes

 Few have heard of this mysterious historical figure, yet very real … So, still unknown? Well no, everyone knows it! Or at least thinks he knows it. But it is a very different name, also closely linked to a region of the globe precise … A name that irremediably causes fear and unease. This name is none other than Dracula ! A name that haunts Transylvania, even throughout Romania, but especially the collective imagination of the world. The legend he left behind him has fed the superstitions and fears of humanity … and creativity much later of a Bram Stoker, whose famous novel have finished sweeping the last traces of historical truth through its pages!


This is the fifteenth century that the real story begins in a small principality of the Holy Roman Empire in central Europe, Wallachia, which manages to resist somehow to the Ottoman pressure whose power is no doubt. The relations of this little state with the Turkish empire ranged from wars and periods of vassalage to the sultan Murad II, who promises peace by paying tribute. It is to this end that the small Vlad and his brother Radu, Vlad II Dracul son of Prince of Wallachia and member of the Order of the Dragon, will be pledged in good agreement with the Turkish authorities. And it is this historical fact, experienced as a betrayal by this child already ambitious, that will be born the myth of Vlad III Dracul … Basarab Dracul, as dragon … or as the devil? … Our show was held at the Conservatory of Music Saturday, June 11 to 17 hours.
